Green Rhino Day Student Certification Green Rhino Office Certification
In order to have your dorm room earn a Green Rhino Room Certification, you must be able to commit to a minimum number of credits. Check off the habits and practices that you (and your roommate) have or that you will commit to while working on campus. There is one required commitment and a minimum numbers of items you must check per category, so pay attention.
After completing this application, your dorm room will be audited by a member of TEAM/EcoMon. You will only have to attend the training session once, but will be required to reapply/reaudit every year.
Note: This program and some language was adapted from the Green Dorm Room Certification at the University of South Carolina with permission.
Scoring: Total of 30 pts
To achieve Level 1: Light Green = 18 total points To achieve Level 2: True Green = 22 total points To achieve Level 3: Evergreen = 26 total points
Fields marked * are required.
You must select at least 5 "Campus Engagement" items
You must select at least 6 "Waste and Recycling" items
The first "Waste and Recycling" item is required
The second "Waste and Recycling" item is required
You must select at least 5 "Energy and Water Conservation" items
The first "Energy and Water Conservation" item is required
The second "Energy and Water Conservation" item is required
The third "Energy and Water Conservation" item is required
The first "Campus Engagement" item is required