Green Rhino Dorm Room Certification Green Rhino Day Student Certification
In order to have your office/workspace earn a Green Rhino Office Certification, you must be able to commit to a minimum number of credits. Check off the habits and practices that you have or that you will commit to while working on campus. There is one required commitment and a minimum numbers of items you must check per category, so pay attention.
Before you complete this pledge, please make sure that you have attended a Green Rhino Office Certification training session.
After completing this application, your office/workspace will be audited by a member of TEAM/Environmental Policies Commitee. You will only have to attend the training session once, but will be required to reapply/re-audit every year.
Note: This program and some language was adapted from the Green Dorm Room Certification at the University of South Carolina with permission.
Scoring: Total of 40 pts
To achieve Level 1: Light Green = 15 total points To achieve Level 2: True Green = 20 total points To achieve Level 3: Evergreen = 30 total points
Fields marked * are required.
You must select at least 2 "Transportation and Climate" items
You must select at least 3 "Campus Engagement" items
You must select at least 5 "Waste and Recycling" items
The first "Waste and Recycling" item is required
You must select at least 3 "Energy and Water Conservation" items
The first "Energy and Water Conservation" item is required
The first "Transportation and Climate" item is required
The first "Campus Engagement" item is required